Teddington Tots

Teddington Tots - temporarily closed.

Dear friends
You may be aware that both our leaders have now stepped down from Teddington Tots. Despite every effort to recruit new leaders we have so far been unable to make any appointments. As a result, and with great sadness, we have had to make the difficult decision to close the groups until such time as new leaders are in post. We are grateful to our leaders, volunteers and you the families for your loyal support over the years and very much hope that we will be able to reopen in the not too distant future. We will of course make any announcement on the church website and social media.

Risk Assessment

We now have use of the church car park, entrance on Stanley Road.

We remind parents/carers that you are responsible for your own children throughout the session.

Drop In” Toddler Group at Teddington Methodist Church 

totsTuesdays 9.30am – 11.30am

(Term Time Only)

Teddington Tots is a fun family group that welcomes pre-school age children (0 - 3 yrs) and their parents, grandparents or carers. Fees are £3 per "family group" per session. 


Children can play with a variety of toys, take part in Teddington Totssinging/dancing and craft activities. Refreshments are provided for both parents/carers and children. Meet in the church hall - entrance through the garden gate, just left of the main entrance on Stanley Road. Parking We offer free parking in our carpark on Stanley Rd.

Pop in or get in touch

Teddington TotsContact Teddington Tots

Find Us

Teddington Methodist Church. 1 Stanley Rd, 

Teddington TW11 8TP


Teddington Tots
