Teddington Methodist Church & Community Centre

  • 1 Stanley Road
  • Teddington
  • TW11 8TP

020 8973 1880
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News and Notes

Sunday 6th October

10.30am Morning Service Led by Anne O’Neil

Readings:  Isaiah 58:6-12, Matthew 25:31-40. 

Sunday 13th October

10.30am Church Anniversary Service

Led by Jill Harker and Alfie Evans 

News & Notes The next edition will be 13th October. Items should reach Sarah at newsandnotes@teddingtonmethodistchurch.org.uk by 9am on Friday 11th October. If you would like to receive News & Notes by e-mail, please let Sarah know. 

General Information & News 

Visitors and those new to Teddington Methodist Church A leaflet “Teddington Methodist Church – A Warm Welcome for the Whole Community” is available on request. We welcome anybody who may wish to become a member of TMC. 

Churches Together in Teddington. Please pray for the Salvation Army. 

Circuit Prayers: Please pray for

Hanworth Methodist Church and Hanworth Community Cafe.

Teddington Circuit.

Maldives – based on tourism and fishing. Threatened by rising sea levels. Religions other than Islam are forbidden. Western culture is seen as Christian and therefore Christianity is seen as immoral. Most of the Bible has yet to be translated into the national language. Pray for courage for Christians who face strong persecution. 

DO YOU KNOW?   We are planning a Concert on Saturday 23 November at 3pm.  If you would like to sing, play your instrument, or join a group please let Gill know. Also, if you have any songs that you like to sing or listen too, especially with the audience joining in, she would like to hear from you. 

Glass Jars please! Fiona needs your jars, no lids needed, just the clean empty jars. The best ones are standard 1lb jars, but if in doubt just give them to her and she will recycle any that she can’t use. If she’s not at church, please leave in the kitchen for her to pick up. 

Richmond Libraries Digital drop-ins tour

If you’d like assistance using your tablet or mobile phone, bring it along to a roving drop-in session. Friendly staff will be on hand to give you tips so that you can get the most out of your device. No booking required.

Ham Library - Monday 21 October from 10.30 to 11.30am

Kew Library - Tuesday 22 October from 10.30 to 11.30am

Hampton Wick - Wednesday 23 October from 10.30 to 11.30am

Teddington Library - Thursday 24 October from 10.30 to 11.30am

Castelnau Library - Friday 25 October from 10.30 to 11.30am 

cafe church

Dates for your Diary 

Weekly coffee mornings in the church on Saturday mornings 10.30 - 12.30. Do come and spend time together over coffee and cakes/scones. If you would like to run a coffee morning to raise money for a charity of your choice, please speak to Gill or Sue. 

Friday 11th October Fortnightly Friday Fellowship at 11am. 

Saturday 12th October St Mary’s Church, Teddington is having some events to mark the 350th Anniversary of Thomas Traherne’s burial at St Mary with St Alban. All the details are on their website: https://www.teddingtonparish.org/news/thomas-traherne-350-events-7-13-october/ The main event is the THOMAS TRAHERNE Lecture by Lord Richard Harries, former Bishop of Oxford, with poetry and music on Saturday 12 October 5pm. 

Saturday 19th October Maria Coimbra Art Exhibition at TMC 1pm – 6pm. 

Wednesday 30th October Bible study fortnightly meetings at 11am, the Bible studies will be on Matthew's Gospel. (No meeting on 16th October.) 


News and Notes 06.10.24.