- 1 Stanley Road
- Teddington
- TW11 8TP
020 8973 1880
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News and Notes
Sunday 12th January
10.30am Covenant Service Led by Rev Michaela Youngson, Assistant Secretary of the Methodist Conference. During the service Rev Michaela Youngson will also present Robert Mortimer with a certificate marking 60 years as a Local Preacher.
News & Notes The next edition will be 12th January. Items should reach Sarah at newsandnotes@teddingtonmethodistchurch.org.uk by 9am on Friday 10th January. If you would like to receive News & Notes by e-mail, please let Sarah know.
General Information & News
Visitors and those new to Teddington Methodist Church A leaflet “Teddington Methodist Church – A Warm Welcome for the Whole Community” is available on request. We welcome anybody who may wish to become a member of TMC.
Churches Together in Teddington. Please pray for Teddington Memorial Hospital.
Circuit Prayers: Please pray for
East Molesey Methodist Church and East Elmbridge Foodbank
Hants and Surrey Borders Circuit.
Morocco – The earthquake in the Marrakesh region in 2023 was shocking and destructive. Nearly 3 million people were affected. Christians did what they could to help, which assisted in overcoming a common prejudice. Pray for the church to grow despite the persecution.
FOCUS NEWSLETTER – YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS PLEASE. The deadline for our next newsletter is Tuesday 14th January. Please send your articles, updates, details of church events (past and upcoming), news, book reviews, poems, jokes, recipes, puzzles, etc. Our newsletter aims to foster our sense of community and provide a window into our church for the wider community, visitors and potential new attendees so let’s make it interesting and reflective of the warm, welcoming church that we are. The best format is a MS Word document. Make sure you have the person’s consent if sending photos and let Helen know when you send them. Contributions to focus@teddingtonmethodistchurch.org.uk or speak to Helen Benson if you do not have access to a computer.
Old Christmas Cards There is a box in the Narthex for the collection of your old Christmas Cards which can be crafted by Sally to make new ones!
The Vineyard Community Centre & Richmond Foodbank has a vacancy for a full time (or possibly part time) Business Manager as well as a part time Community Nurse, both of which need to be Christians. If you sense a calling for either roles, or know someone who might be interested, please see their website for more details: https://www.vineyardcommunity.org/
The coffee morning planned for 18th January at East Molesey has been postponed. There is, of course, a coffee morning at Teddington every Saturday between 10.30am and 12.30pm. All welcome.
Dates for your Diary
Weekly coffee mornings in the church on Saturday mornings 10.30 - 12.30. Do come and spend time together over coffee and cakes/scones. If you would like to run a coffee morning to raise money for a charity of your choice, please speak to Gill or Sue.
Wednesday 8th January Fortnightly Bible Study meetings resume.
Fridays 17th & 31st January and 14th February. Friday Fellowship.