- 1 Stanley Road
- Teddington
- TW11 8TP
020 8973 1880
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News and Notes
Sunday 2nd February
10.30am Morning Service Led by Alfie Evans
Readings: 1 Corinthians Chapter 12 verses 12 – 31a. Luke Chapter 4 verses 14 – 21.
Sunday 9th February
10.30am Communion Service Led by Rev David Priddy
News & Notes The next edition will be 9th February. Items should reach Sarah at newsandnotes@teddingtonmethodistchurch.org.uk by 9am on Friday 7th February. If you would like to receive News & Notes by e-mail, please let Sarah know.
General Information & News
Visitors and those new to Teddington Methodist Church A leaflet “Teddington Methodist Church – A Warm Welcome for the Whole Community” is available on request. We welcome anybody who may wish to become a member of TMC.
Emergency Defibrillator the nearest defibrillator to our church premises is located on the outside of Teddington Memorial Hospital on Hampton Rd.
Churches Together in Teddington. Please pray for Hampton Wick Baptist Church.
Circuit Prayers: Please pray for
Teddington Methodist Church and Teddington Tots.
Redhill and East Grinstead Circuit.
Nauru – Spiritual awareness grows as the economy shrinks. Materialism’s decline is faith’s gain. Church life is reawakening and numbers are growing. Small island nations have a precarious existence; pray for Nauru’s people to put its future in God’s hands.
Dates for your Diary
Weekly coffee mornings in the church on Saturday mornings 10.30 - 12.30. Do come and spend time together over coffee and cakes/scones. If you would like to run a coffee morning to raise money for a charity of your choice, please speak to Gill or Sue.
Wednesday 5th February Fortnightly Bible Study.
Friday 7th February Classical Concert at St Stephen’s Church, Twickenham. Raising funds for Embracing Age - a local charity befriending care home residents. 8PM, DOORS OPEN 7:30PM. Booking is essential at embracingage.org.uk/concert or phone 020 3778 0035.
Friday 14th February. Friday Fellowship.
Friday 28th February Gala Concert by Follow the Son. 7pm at Holiday Inn, Felix Lane Shepperton. £12.50 minimum donation. More details at www.sicewt.org.uk/concert
Saturday 8th March BEETLE DRIVE at 5.30pm with Fish and Chips in the interval. Details to follow.