Teddington Methodist Church & Community Centre

  • 1 Stanley Road
  • Teddington
  • TW11 8TP

020 8973 1880
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News and Notes

Sunday 14th July

10.30am Morning Service Led by Tim Coveney

Readings - 2 Samuel 6: 1-5, 12b-19. Mark 6: 14-29 

Sunday 21st July

10.30am Café Church Service Led by a local arrangement 

Sunday 28th July

10.30am Morning Service Led by Rev David Innes

 News & Notes The next edition will be 28th July. Items should reach Sarah  at newsandnotes@teddingtonmethodistchurch.org.uk by 9am on Friday 26th July. Fortnightly editions of News and Notes will be published over the summer. Weekly editions resume on 8th September. If you would like to receive News & Notes by e-mail, please let Sarah know. 

General Information & News 

Visitors and those new to Teddington Methodist Church A leaflet “Teddington Methodist Church – A Warm Welcome for the Whole Community” is available on request. We welcome anybody who may wish to become a member of TMC. 

Churches Together in Teddington.

14th July Please pray for Christ Church.

21st  July Please pray for St Michael’s Church. 

Circuit Prayers:

14th July Please pray for

East Molesey Methodist Church and their leadership team.

Lambeth Circuit.

Latvia – post-communist moral vacuum quickly filled by opportunist negative influences, has done relatively well from a technology and development perspective, but needs prayer for the deeper needs of its people. Unprecedented unity in the churches, with prayer and worship summits attended by the leaders of almost every denomination.

21st July Please pray for

Hampton Methodist Church and for wisdom and patience in appointing a Community Outreach Worker.

Lesnes Abbey Circuit.

Lebanon – Wars and conflicts have displaced over 80% of the population. Around two million refugees seek shelter from Syria, Palestine, Iraq, and beyond, many encountering Christianity for the first time.  Though most Christians would leave if they had the chance, pray for many to choose to stay and remain salt and light. 

FOCUS NEWSLETTER – PLEASE SEND YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS.  The deadline for our next newsletter is Tuesday 30th July.  Whether you are a regular, occasional or new contributor, we'd love articles, updates, details of church events (past and upcoming), news, book reviews, poems, jokes, puzzles, etc by then. Let’s have another interesting and varied edition to foster our sense of community and provide a window into our church for the wider community, visitors and potential new attendees. The best format is a MS Word document. Make sure you have the person’s consent if sending photos and let Helen know when you send it. Contributions to focus@teddingtonmethodistchurch.org.uk or speak to Helen Benson if you do not have access to a computer. 

The funeral service for our dear friend Grace will take place on 22nd July please get in touch for full details. 

A letter from the Superintendent Minister 

In the Methodist Church, communion services are led by ordained ministers. If there is a shortage of ministers, a circuit can apply to the Methodist Conference for special permission for a lay person to celebrate communion. This is called a Lay Authorisation. 

As we only have one full time minister in the circuit, our Circuit Meeting agreed to ask Conference for our Lay Pastor Philip Slater to be able to lead communion services from September 2024. Conference met in Leeds last week and agreed to our request. Philip will therefore be able to lead communion services on our new circuit plan from September. 

Our Circuit Meeting also consulted with churches about Philip’s appointment and agreed to extend his time with us for a further year to August 2026. I’m sure that these decisions will help to give us stability in the circuit and more time to benefit from Philip’s ministry amongst us. 

David A. Innes

5th July 2024 

Dates for your Diary 

Weekly coffee mornings in the church on Saturday mornings 10.30 - 12.30. Do come and spend time together over coffee and cakes/scones. If you would like to run a coffee morning to raise money for a charity of your choice, please speak to Gill or Sue. Over the summer the intention is for coffee mornings to be held at people’s houses so if you are able to hold a Saturday Coffee Morning at your house, please let Gill know.  We'd like to come! 

Wednesdays 17th and 31st July Genesis Bible study. There will be a break in August and meetings resume on 4th September. Next term the Bible study will be on Matthew's Gospel. 

Sunday 21st July CHURCH PICNIC AFTER CAFE CHURCH in Hampton. Thank you to George and Hilary for offering their garden for us to meet up. Bring your picnic with you and a chair if you have one. Hoping for a fine day! For more information speak to Gill. 

Friday 13th September Fortnightly Friday Fellowship resumes. 

Saturday 24th August Claire has offered to host a Saturday Coffee Morning at her house on from 10.30 - 12.30.



News and Notes 14.07.24.